Monday, July 26, 2010

MP3 Coming Soon

We just recorded last week and will have our new 5 song tape done shortly we'll keep ya posted and we'll have some mp3's up on this beast.


Friday July 30th
Doors at 6:30 bands at 7:00 $5 (no one turned away)
Psychedelic Freak Out w/the Bay Area Booking Collective

Purple Rhinestone Eagle
Fat Transfer
Quiet Coyote
DJ Nicole (goth jams)

Tarot Readings and
A Glamour Hole

The ground floor of The Luggage Store
1007 Market Street @6th in S.F.

An Early Show. Starts at 5pm Sharp
Must end by 8

Sunday August 1st @ Dead Rat Beach
1316 Fitzgerald Street. Oakland

Frozen Embryos

Hope to see you there

Thursday, July 22, 2010


hey so we are going on tour this August:

8/23 - bay area "kick-off"
8/24 - arcata
8/25 - portland
8/26 - olympia @ alex turner's house (red something?)
8/27 - tacoma
8/28 - seattle @ FBK w/ surrender
8/29 - southern oregon? camping?
8/30 - reno
8/31 - sacramento

we still need help most places so let us know if you can be the dreamboat who has a show for us. we will return the favor in kind for bands coming to the bay area.


cool. we have joined the internet.